Sunday, March 13, 2011

Mish Mash Mind Fog

Hi guys,

So, this post is going to be a bit of a mish mash of thoughts. To begin, I'm going to ask for your help. Breathless has had amazing sales on Amazon--more than 7,000 ebooks since January 1. Unfortunately, I just can't seem to emulate that success any place else. Try as I might, I just can't figure out how to promote my books to Nook and Kobo readers. I have, literally, sold only a handful of copies for them. So, I'm asking for your help. How can I get the word out. Lauren Burd and Amanda Hocking seem to have mastered all audiences. What are they doing that I'm not? Any help you can offer is super appreciated.

Also, for anyone who would like to follow me, I'm now on both Facebook and Twitter. I tend to update fairly often--at least daily, if not more, and I would love to see you all there.

Next, I wanted to let you know why I've been a bit absent lately. I've been sick this week...which means, unfortunately, that I'm going to make you wait a little longer for Wanderlust. And, I can't tell you how sorry I am for that.

I had originally set a mid-march deadline for the book, and I was working well toward meeting it until two things happened:

1. Writer's block
2. Migraines

I'm not typically one to whine or make excuses, so it's particularly hard for me to admit either of these things has brought me down, but the fact of the matter is that they have. Let's address each one in order.

Writer's block is a very real thing. I have written the beginning and end of Wanderlust. I've also written a good chunk of the middle. Problem? I have a bunch of ideas for the rest, I just can't sort through how to connect them all. At the start of the week, I was working through it. I even thought I had it sorted out--mostly. That's when ailment number two struck: the migraines...

I've been getting migraines most of my life. Sometimes, they make me really sick, but usually only for a few hours. This week was different. I live in the mountains, and we have these weird pressure systems that wreak havoc for a lot of people. While they warm up the winters, they also cause a lot of pressure on the brain. For people like me, this spells bad news. I started feeling ill on Monday, and while I made it through the work week, I crashed this weekend. I crashed hard. I have been sick in bed with a cold cloth on my head for the past two days. It's been difficult to stand up or focus my vision. Stringing sentences together to speak--a challenge. To write--impossible, until now. And even this is hard.

Usually, I form my writing ideas throughout the week. I work out the details until I know exactly what I want to say, and on the weekends, I pound it all out on the keyboard. Often, each idea grows bigger than I could have anticipated, and it's a huge feeling of accomplishment. Sadly, this is the only thing I have written this weekend, but I wanted to let my readers know where the book stands and thank you again for hanging tight. I know I promised Wanderlust would be out this week, but you're going to have to hold on a wee bit longer.


1 comment:

  1. So I just finished your book (like today) Breathless and I was super excited to see that Lia's best friends name is Addie cause thats my name also!! and you spell it like me so thats even cooler!!

    oh and the book was great by the way I cant wait to read teh next one!
