Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Goodbye Evernight

Well, guys, this is it. The end of Evernight. I'm so distraught that I had to write about it.

I know, I disappeared again for a while, but it's because I simply couldn't put down Afterlife, the final book in the Evernight series. Have you read it? If not, you definitely should. I suspect that many of you, like me, read Twilight and then were chasing your next fix. Well, I found it in Evernight. And, I couldn't love it more.

Twilight...I've written about it before, but, to recap, I'm not in love with it. I kind of find it funny when people compare Breathless to Twilight because the truth is, I was going for something quite different. It's inevitable that all YA vampire books will be compared to Twilight forever more--and really, it's one of the best-selling books of all time, so it's flattering. But, I'm not the biggest fan of the book itself. Now, Edward, is another story entirely. Let's face it, Meyer created the quintessential male, and I fell in love with him. Bella, on the other hand, is one of my least favorite characters, and I tried to make Lia about as opposite her as I could. That said, I have three twilight t-shirts, a tote bag, socks, and much more.

Regardless, there is something very hypnotic about the Twilight series, and to date, the only book I have ever read twice is the first book in the series. But, after that, I was desperate for a new book. So, after spending painstaking hours trying to find something similar that wouldn't disappoint me, I cam across Evernight. It had just been released, and I decided, reluctantly, to give it a try. And, I was not disappointed.

To date, Evernight is my favorite series of all time--YA or otherwise. I fell in love with the first book. While I don't crush on either of the male leads like I do on Edward, I still feel a strange affinity to Bianca. I love everything about her and everyone else in the books. There is no one I don't like, with the exception on characters, such as Mrs. Bethany and Charity, that I'm not supposed to like.

In short, if you haven't read the Evernight books, you should rush out and get them. Well, what are you waiting for? Go...now!

Okay, I'm done commanding...for those of you who didn't catch it earlier, the character of Balthazar in my upcoming book, Wanderlust, is not named after Balthazar in the Evernight series. I was quite displeased when a character in this series had this name, as I had always intended to use it in the sequel to Breathless--which I wrote prior to reading Evernight. It's a tribute to Balthazar Getty, who, oddly enough, I don't crush on now but did as a teenager. It's a cool name, and if I had to put a face to the character, it would be Joe Manganiello. See my facebook page for pix!

Take care,


  1. Thanks to your blog, I went and bought the first book for my kindle, read it in one night and now I am already on book 3. I love the series so far and I have you to thank for it! Can't wait for Wanderlust!

  2. Ok Heather, I just went onto amazon and purchased Evernight for my kindle! I'm leaving for vacation tomorrow and have a 5 hour flight to read the book. I'll let you know my thoughts! I was really hoping to be reading Wanderlust on this vacation, but I will continue to wait patiently for you to finish!

    P.S. I keep spreading the word to friends/family about Breathless! Love it!

  3. I swear I posted on this blog a week ago, but I do not see it. I wanted to let you know that I would read Evernight. Well, I did, and just finished it last night. I loved it! I just went in and bought the next book Stargazer! Thanks Heather for the great recomendation!

  4. Sorry for the delayed responses...looks like the moderator hasn't been on top of things lately. I'm so glad you both check out Evernight and like it. It really is my favorite book series, and it makes me happy to hear others also enjoy it. So, I have to ask -- Balthazar or Lucas?

  5. Geez, two Amandas, lol...but this Amanda prefers Balthazar. :)

  6. I know...it took me a minute to realize the posts were from two different people. What were the chances!?!

    I'm on the Balthazar train as well, so you might be pleased to know that he will be getting his own series of books in spring 2012. I waited a year for the last Evernight book, and I dread waiting that long again, but I'll take what I can get...

  7. I am a little behind here, sorry! Two Amanda's! I too did a double take! I do like Lucas, but I could not help love Balthazar as well. I can not wait for his series!!
